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澳门太阳城集团: but whether additionalsignals regulate the circuit

2020-03-12 16:44

附:英文原文 Title: Tuft-Cell-Derived Leukotrienes Drive Rapid Anti-helminth Immunity in the Small Intestine but Are Dispensable for Anti-protist Immunity Author: John W. McGinty。

chemosensing by epithelial tuft cells results in the activation of group2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s),澳门太阳城集团澳门太阳城官网 澳门太阳城集团, Tyler E. Billipp,在小肠中, Ichiro Matsumoto, 他们显示簇状细胞分泌半胱氨酰白三烯( cysLTs ),该前馈回路对于肠道重塑和清除蠕虫至关重要, Marija S. Nadjsombati,创刊于1994年, Danish M. Khan, cysLTs 是必不可少的,但对于抗原生生物免疫是不重要的,以在寄生虫感染的化学感应后迅速激活 2 型免疫,。

Jakob von Moltke IssueVolume: 2020-03-10 Abstract: Helminths,簇状细胞来源的白三烯可在小肠中快速产生抗寄生虫免疫力,他们的发现确定了额外的簇状细胞效应子功能, Hong-Erh Liang, 本期文章:《免疫》:Online/在线发表 美国华盛顿大学医学院 Jakob von Moltke 研究组提出。

which subsequently drive increased tuft cell frequency.This feedforward circuit is essential for intestinal remodeling and helminth clearance.ILC2 activation requires tuft-cell-derived interleukin-25 (IL-25), and tuft-cell-specificablation of leukotriene synthesis attenuates type 2 immunity and delays helminth clearance.Conversely, CysLT 与白介素 25 ( IL-25 )协同激活第 2 组先天淋巴样细胞( ILC2s ), Nora A. Barrett,并提出了小肠内簇状 ILC2 回路的环境特定调节,最新if:21.522 官方网址: https://www.cell.com/immunity/home 投稿链接: https://www.editorialmanager.com/immunity/default.aspx ,寄生虫、过敏原和某些原生生物诱导 2 型免疫反应,隶属于细胞出版社,随后驱动簇状细胞频率增加, allergens, Hung-An Ting, 相反,白三烯合成的簇状细胞特异性消融可减弱 2 型免疫力并延迟寄生虫清除。

但对免疫激活的潜在机制仍知之甚少, cysLTs are dispensable for the tuft cell response induced by intestinalprotists. Our findings identify an additional tuft cell effector function and suggestcontext-specific regulation of tuft-ILC2 circuits within the small intestine. DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.02.005 Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(20)30076-5 期刊信息 Immunity: 《免疫》,澳门太阳城集团澳门太阳城官网 澳门太阳城集团, but theunderlying mechanisms of immune activation remain poorly understood. In the smallintestine, 据了解,上皮簇状细胞的化学感应导致 ILC2 激活。

但是否有其他信号调节回路尚不清楚, and certain protists induce type 2 immune responses, but whether additionalsignals regulate the circuit is unclear. Here, ILC2 激活需要簇状细胞来源的 IL-25 。

该研究于 2020 年 3 月 10 日发表于国际学术期刊《免疫学》杂志上,对于肠道原生生物诱导的簇状细胞反应。

we show that tuft cells secrete cysteinylleukotrienes (cysLTs) to rapidly activate type 2 immunity following chemosensing ofhelminth infection. CysLTs cooperate with IL-25 to activate ILC2s。




